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Friday, May 06, 2011

The Electra of Sophocles: Today’s New Interracial Living Common English Street Language Version S.El-TNILCESLV

This is an announcement of a new series coming up on alternate readings. In keeping with the pressing need to make The Electra of Sophocles intelligible within the context of west-coast urban multiracial ethnic ambiguity and the current vernacular of the street, I am undertaking an update to the Ezra Pound — Rudd Fleming translation of The Electra of Sophocles, which was produced while Pound was under indictment for treason and a resident at  St. Elizabeth's Hospital for the criminally insane in Washington D.C.

While Pound was working on Electra I was living on the border of Oxon Hill Farm which was operated by patients from St. Elizabeth's Hospital. I used to take walks with our beagle in the hardwood forest that covered most of the farm. For this and other reasons I feel like Pound was a part of my life. He certainly had a significant impact on the poets and authors I have been reading for half a century. 

I have been working in the text of Sophocles’ Electra for several years. I will be working in conjunction with a 20-something multiracial[1] street language consultant who recently spent sixty days in King County Jail doing research on the local idiom.

[1]African Cherokee  Seminole  Choctaw


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